We believe in a diverse education, which values each human being for who they are and what they can contribute to the world. We believe that diversity is enhanced in contact with nature, that nature unites us. We are committed to helping develop human beings with values and providing experiences that motivate us to lead healthy, sustainable and active lifestyles, to have an understanding and connection with the environment and our communities.

BÚHO DE BARRO was born as a family project. We have always visualized our future knowing that we should live in contact with nature. When our children Zoé and Hugo were born, that instinct became stronger and, of course, our priorities changed. We realized how important and essential it is for us and our children to live everyday life in regular contact with natural environments.
In the United Kingdom, Natalia begins training to become certified as a Level 3 Forest School Leader through Forest Schools Education Ltd., finishing her certification in Cusco in 2020.
The Green Education Movement in Spain, l'École de la Nature in France, the Forest School in the United Kingdom and the Forest Kindergarten in Denmark are just some examples of this methodology and philosophy that is growing in the world. For this reason, we decided to found BÚHO DE BARRO, an Association that develops and implements educational programs in direct contact with nature in Peru. .

Promote and generate spaces to improve the quality of life and education of children and youth, in areas of high social and environmental vulnerability in Peru through direct contact with nature to have a positive impact on humans and the environment. world around him; and create pro-environmental values and attitudes.
We seek that educational spaces adopt the outdoors as a learning environment and the child's primary interest as the main driving force. Maintain the curiosity of children and young people around the world in order to stimulate the development of confidence, self-esteem, creativity, and resilience through experiences in nature.
The BÚHO DE BARRO Association is committed to close collaboration with schools and communities in order to consolidate educational-social projects in response to situations of social inequality and/or environmental imbalance. The purpose of BÚHO DE BARRO is to share experiences and good practices that have a lasting benefit beyond the program.
Our school and community projects are designed to enhance and make visible the alliance with communities, civil society, academia, private companies or the State that seeks to position itself as an agent of change. We are committed to development through the commitment of all social actors.
The BÚHO DE BARRO Association seeks to align its actions aimed at meeting the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.


Natalia Vizcarra Soberon
Certified Level 3 Forest School Leader by Forest School Education (UK). Communicator and audiovisual editor (Peru and Spain).
He worked for many years on audiovisual projects. Motivated by the motherhood of Zoé and Hugo and the experiences in the UK and France at the Bosque school where her children went, she returned to Peru, created and directed the BUHO DE BARRO Association based in Cusco. He founded and directs the first forest school in Peru, BUHO DE BARRO - forest school. In 2023, she is Certified by FTHub as a Forest Bathing Guide (shinrin yoku), to continue providing experiences of connection with Nature for the comprehensive well-being of teachers and families of the Peruvian educational system.
